I was there, the 20's should have won by a mile, both Wigan scores came from the ref piggybacking them up the field, although poor defence let the 2nd one in after their 4th penalty in a row (2 in our 10m)
The ref was shocking, the thing Glen was most mad about was an obvious chicken wing done right in front of the dugouts that the ref reversed the penalty (gave it to Wigan) due to our protest

and at half time when he tried to talk to the ref he just ignored him, thankfully one of the linesman seemed to know what he was doing and tried to put the ref right on a couple of occasions.
Morton played well as it Matt James Anakin and Lillycrop, wakey fullback looked good (Grayston?) John was playing well and on occasions he looked well above the level he was being asked to play as he was waiting for the attacking line, his kicking in play was excellent and our chase of the ball was superb.
We would have scored maybe 4 or 5 more tries if it hadn't been for the incompetence of the man in green.
The other thing that got my goat was the "Know-all" Wigan supporters that seemed to try justify all the decisions the ref made by quoting the rulebook

one saying "it's a simple game with simple rules" so as we were leaving I said to him "You're right it is a simple game with simple rules, you just need to simply score more than your opponents which we seemed to have done and you simply didn't" I good game that was spoilt by an idiot in the middle, Morro is doing a great job with them
The Futures Bright, the futures RED WHITE & BLUE