Quote Easty="Easty"Cup allocation has to be no different to a league match.'"
Are you sure?
At one time the away club had to be given 25% of the available seating for Cup games.
It was in the RFL site appendices.
edit. Just found this
The visiting Club may request that advance sale tickets be issued and if requested
shall be entitled to be provided, in order to sell at face value, up to 30% of all tickets
made available for general sale to the public. Standing, seating and hospitality
tickets shall count towards the 30% calculation, but, for the avoidance of doubt, the
visiting Club shall not be entitled to sell any hospitality tickets, and the home Club
shall have reasonable discretion as to how to break down the 30% between standing
and seating on safety grounds.
A visiting Club shall have the right to be allocated 30% of the accessible facilities.