Quote deluded pom?="deluded pom?"If I remember rightly they show a picture from behind the Hull tryline and Ganson has an unobstructed view. How hw gave the try only he knows. I remeber Brian Carney in bewilderment at how the try was awarded. As soon as the pass from Webb to Maguire was made you could see it was well forward. It's now getting beyond a joke. Remember the days when league fans would ridicule union for the number of tries scored off forward passes? Maybe it's time to alter the rules so that the ball HAS to be passed backwards rather than not forwards.'"
If the ref has an obstructed view he has to give the try. It's up to the TJs to advise him.
The problem with changing the interpretation of the law as you suggest is that you'd have to slow the game down to a crawl at times as basic physics means that a player travelling at any kind of pace will throw the ball forwards to a teammate running behind him. There's a video on youtube that shows this very clearly.
Or you'd always have to attack from so deep that a modern defence would prevent nearly all go-forward.
Alternatively, why not have TJs who recognise a blatant forward pass when they see one?