Well played Crusaders for a fully deserved win on Friday. After my initial suicidal thoughts on the ineptness of our performance I have to (begrudgingly

) give credit where it's due. You out-thought, out-fought and completely outplayed us tonight and there was only ever going to be one winner. I think had we had a pack that competed with you (how much bigger were you man for man?!

) it would have been a much different result as I honestly believe our back-line could've caused you some serious problems. However, as we got bullied up front the quality and quantity of service to our back-line was abysmal. BTW, if you get away with so many of those cross-field bombs against any team with half a brain I would be seriously amazed

Good luck for the season and let's hope we give you some sort of a game at The Racecourse in August.