Quote Alphabetti Spaghetti Go!="Alphabetti Spaghetti Go!"I would tell him that he's got his facts wrong. I'd also point out that to state that Barrow is still part of Lancashire is also factually incorrect.
Apart from some saddos on this daft society:
and your good self, everyone else can accept the reality of the situation which has existed for 35 years.'"
It's not just some saddo's though is it, you are obviously googling so why are you ignoring the other stuff that is coming up which points to the fact Barrow has been part of Lancs for hundreds of years?
I am gonna be real honest with you now though, I am 31, have a business to run and a holiday to find now I have a weekend off this week, I aint got a lot of time to worry about Barrow, I have been there twice in the last 2 months, that was enough!!!!