Yeah mate, i think this licence process is turning fans against each other, which is wrong.It is a family sport, and i like to see fairness.I am a widnes fan and if we got a franchise and not won a grand final, i know we will get alot of stick.

Serious now we are spending lots on youth and we be lucky if two or three come through.Most have left and gone to championship 1 sides such as rob draper,josh simm,keaveney,ostick,oconnor,bradburn etc.A few went to superleague like myler and sidlow.I feel it a waste of money, unless we got a franchise.Flynn,houghton and grady look good enough for the championship, from the youth.What the point in a youth set up if superleague clubs take your talent, or national league 1 sides take them?Anyway lets all enjoy our rugby next year and i think their will be some great games.