Just writing my last post on here for awhile, as i am fed up of people having a dig when you have an opinion.We all have different points of view right or wrong.I would have liked Hulme to stay at Widnes, and Betts to not be the coach.But we do seem to have a few fullbacks who are good players such as Briscoe,Craven,Jack Owens, and Alex Brown.I have played rugby and watched the game for over 25 yrs, so i feel it is an insult when people say i think i am God, and my opinion is only correct.Hated and Adored said my point was pointless, and that is not right to say as everyone is allowed a point of view.Seems to be some bullies on this forum having ago at spelling,grammer,etc.We all have different talents, and it is not an English exam.I have seen many name calling on here, and it is out of order to be honest, and people who make views without knowing me as a person is disgraceful.If you knew me i am actually a down to earth person, and was always talented at different sports.If i have upset any of you i am sorry but the way some of you message is like i am clueless on rugby.Ask J20,Frank B,Ian C what i am like in person as they know the real me.I want success like any fan and i go games through thick and thin.But mainly through thin at the moment.
Anyway i do have balls of steel and can admit when wrong, i just get upset with silly remarks like 10 yr old and i think i am always right and God.

Anyway life to short to worry and enjoy your postings but i am done for awhile here.
Got nothing personnel against anyone, and all the best in chat as i am done due to feeingl unwelcome here.