Quote Chris Dalton="Chris Dalton"I'll tell you what I'm on about. Before the license decision, you were all over the internet, making crap up about us in a vein attempt to sling enough mud on us for the powers that be to instead choose a license as wafer thin as Barrow's. Now the inevitable has happened, you've gone quiet, you've left us alone, and you've been told.
I'm not the type to start getting arrogant and high and mighty just because Widnes won the war for a license, but I admit now, I did enjoy thinking about people like you being put in their place. I suppose it will be Wakefield's and Halifax's turn to suffer your ignorance in the coming years.'"

PARANOID is the word to describe a lot of Widnes fans
You think Red hall would read internet crapola and change their thinking
Yes i was on more often replying about certain Widnes topics

How dare I
I guess that well know Scouse trait of Victimitus spreads as far as Halton & District