Had to leg it back for the last train thanks to Big Ben's video referee fetish. All I'll say on the refereeing is that match, between the same 2 teams with the same referee, was officiated entirely differently to the league game at their place. That night it was to our advantage because Donkey Kong's ""details"" were penalised, tonight they weren't. We've done brilliantly to win despite that.
I thought Manu was magnificent, start of the second half he was screw turner in chief. Ellis and Mini, defensively, massive.
First time this season our sliding defence and tackling out wide was on point, it's been a weak point (particularly wide right) but it was spot on tonight. Seen some negative comments about Carlos, I thought he was excellent.
Wonderful night. Tremendous support. RFL need to ask whether Friday night on Doncaster with 1 end of the stadium empty is really showing the sport off at its best but we did our bit, brilliant atmosphere.
2 Stellas in by Newark north gate