Quote Mrs Barista="Mrs Barista"No. We've made best part of £1m over the last 5 years, but the creditors number was "only" ever £2.4m and is still £1.7m, problem is you can't see how this is made up, some will be deferred income, accruals, trade creditors etc. We do also have £400k cash at bank though. £3m of debt - I think you're maybe confusing us with Rovers whose total creditors per the 2008 accounts were £3.2m, that's before their 2009 accounts are filed in August, with Hudgell on record that Rovers lost a further £450,000 in that financial year.
In terms of the corporation tax, we still have accumulated losses so no danger of corporation tax avoidance I wouldn't think.'"
I doubt I'd confuse us with rovers