Quote chissitt="chissitt"You forgot to mention mopseyslovechild squire
Not much changes .........edit by Poptart.......

Consider this a warning. You can't say that Chissett.
Speaking as a mod this time.'"
I can say what I like to who I like and when I like if it suits thank you, I don't need your permission to defend myself against mischief makers like him, perhaps if you concerned yourself with that along with the insults and untruths aimed against the directors and management and also against genuine trinity fans on here you'd go somewhere to restoring harmony lost on here through the likes of him, he makes wrongful accusations against me and when I reply with a few home truths it's me in the wrong, couldn't make it up could you, no apologies on my part you do what your comfortable with, just don't try patronising me, it's your bat and ball do what you want, btw it's chissitt