Quote Fishermanscap="Fishermanscap"This is all true but some posters just chose to set themselves against certain players for no obvious reason, it makes them feel big.
In my time (15 years) I've only come across one player who I honestly thought to be a total waste of space and still do and that was Hickey. There have been some duffers and slackers but none with so much talent yet so little respect for themselves or the fans or the club.
Other honourable mentions go to Ian Kirke, though he did score 3 tries in his 5 outings. =#FF0000Jon Whittle who managed to play 80 minutes and not make a single tackle. There are others but Hickey is the only one without a single redeeming feature in my book.
So to give people like Kay or any of the 2020 an overly hard time is unfair when everything is considered. That, of course, won't stop certain posters from doing it.'"
You have to admit though FC, thats a special kind of skill......