Quote victarmeldrew="victarmeldrew"Having spoken to a Hull fan at the 19s on Saturday ,it seems that the theme developing at Wakefield is the same as it was at Hull under RFA .I thought our ethos was find em , sign em , develop em , play em and in times of financial troubles sell em , but now it seems to be find em , sign em and then do very little with em. On a similar point . having watched Doncaster and Sheffield on Friday and overheard a conversation ,it seems another one the ex 18s invincibles is no longer required,. But at least with this one he won’t have far to go to continue is career . '"
Most of the posts on here have been fair then you post this. So a Hull fan said it did he

come on. So it wasn't Agar then who signed and brought through the quite reasonable batch of youngsters Hull have who were probably Under 16's when he was in charge.
I'm a Kear fans but this particular one is down to him.
As for the "invincible" not being wanted, it's been said many times before - you can't keep em all even if you wanted to and that may well be the case. I'm sure if Agar could off load Mellors he would keep a few more.
This not bringing them through stuff has been levelled at ever Trinity Coach including Toppo for years and frankly it's a bit tedious because as far as I can see it's used all to often to forward some agenda or other by one of the many posters on here who think they know more than the Coach. You may not be one of them but using Hull fans to blame Agar is poor IMHO.
A Coach simply cannot please everyone and shouldn't even try, he does what he thinks best rightly or wrongly and if we don't like it we vote with our feet - my feet are going nowhere for now.