Quote TRB="TRB"It seems to me that there have unreasonable and over-emotional responses from both sides. The fact that someone is from Bradford seems to make some people think they must be trolling - but it is possible to discuss the matter from another perspective without it being trolling.
I know we have a few idiots from all sides on here, but it's a sad day if we start shooting people down from other clubs who make reasonable comments.
Surprised at the reaction of some on here!
mystic eddie is trolling big style, it's so child like and transparent it's both amusing and pitiful at the same time. I especially love the way he has tried to turn his gloating from sunday into constructive criticism.... yep Eddie your so damn smart.
Personally I think his arrogance and conceit is so hilarious it's pure comedy gold and as such makes us all look great by comparison and that applies to a few others. Lets hope Adey and co are so chilled if the tables get turned - previous events suggest not.
I personally go out of my way to flush these people out so they can show there true form - so no complaints from me when it kicks off.
It's just over emotional opinion for the most part and non of these people would be quiet so aggressive in the flesh - I assume most people get this and have a thick enough skin to deal with it or just be plain thick as in mystic eddie's case.
Finally I think this thread represents a typical over Wakey over reaction to a fairly predictable result by people many of whom should know better. In fact most of the stuff on here could have been lifted from many a thread regarding games at the start of last season - we never learn.