Following on from my experience of running the Lge last year, i have a few instructions to competitors for this year;
1. Please try and make sure you have made payment ASAP, i am more than happy to give out my email address or postal address to anyone, equally i am more than happy to collect in person at BV over the firt few weeks of the season.
Last season i had one or two competitors who started, did it for a week or two and didn't bother any more, and didn't pay.
Thats not a problem, but i desperately want your money this year.
2. All predictions must be in 10 minutes before K.O off the first game of the weeks round, any predictions after that will forfeit any games being played.
It only happened once or twice last season, and the competitors accepted that in good grace.
3. The preferred method of posting your predictions is in Fixture order (this is the order they are displayed in the Lge Exp fixtures section on the back page, if you're on the ball) on the predictions thread. Please Mods can this be a sticky this year? as from time to time last season it took some finding.
Alternatively you can email me them if you prefer or there are any issues with accessing the site.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try and do them in order (it makes my life so much easier and gives me less chance to cock it up!!!!), i recommend waiting until the fixtures are posted (i try to do them monday A.M) and then copying and pasting them with your prediction of 1 = home win, 2 = Away win or x = DRAW, or a simple highlighting in bold or another colour to indicate your winner.
4. As with last season the points will be awarded as follows: 2 points per correct prediction and 2 bonus points for a full house of 7 maximum predictions.
And thats about it, i will try and respond to all PMs i have received by the end of the week, if you haven't heard back drop me a PM and i will respond ASAP.
Anyone wanting to pay by paypal, my email is still the same so thats simple, please remember paypal do take a % of the transaction, so please if you can add a little bit extra to cover it.
5. Minimum contribution is £5
Good Luck to all competitors, it was a good laugh last year, i'd love to see all the regular posters to the forum have a go, if nothing else it shows how little most of us know

PS there will also be Challenge Cup competition as last year. and not to forget thanks to the club for donating a signed shirt for the cup competition, and a season ticket for the winner of the league

, i will be shamelessly on the beg again this year, you have been warned!!!