The issue is fundamentally different.
RU has always been the "go to" rugby code and is played on a wider scale internationally and domestically. If you ask 95% of the population about "rugby" they will probably give you an answer the implicitly talks about Union.
So right from the start, RU has an implicit advantage in terms of widespread availability and recognition.
However, until now RL had an advantage over RU (which crippled itself by hanging onto 19th Century tradition). It's players were, by and large, fitter had a more professional attitude to winning and perhaps due to the laws of the game, generally more skillful.
RL could rest on it's laurels, attract the big names from RU (especially those from "poorer" backgrounds who could be attracted by money more readily). It was run by self interested little cliques who's ears went "pop" if they drove far south enough, except maybe once or twice a year when they had their "day out".
RU became professional. Things changed. Admittedly not immediately, it took time for the players to become fitter, more technical and overally just "better". Of course they helped themselves to RL coaches, why wouldn't they? They took the odd player, some worked out, others didn't but it really didn't matter- the professionalism that they took with them rubbed off on the rest of the team.
Many ex RU players returned to the fold. Gibbs, Bateman, Tait, Quinell all went back better players than they were.
The result? RU is now right up there with RL in terms of attitude, fitness and application.
Any RL players that go to RU will now be the cream of the crop. There is no need for them to take "average" players. RU is crippled no more.
Many RL fans don't help the game either. Ridiculous comments like "RU is a toffs game" (go to Bristol or Gloucester and say this, I'm sure you won't have to buy a round all evening), or "They are out to get us" - why would they? RL can nurture any players that fall through the RU net until such time that the RU clubs can buy them.
This myopic anachronistic attitude of some RL fans, is shared by some of the people who run the game. The tail certainly does wag the dog in the form of small Yorkshire clubs.
The CC is slowly strangling the life out of the quality of players in the game. If I had a talented son there is no way in the world I would be steering him to choose RL over RU. Chris Ashton isn't a patch on Josh Charnley, nowhere near as good a winger in either code, yet Ashton is more than likely a millionaire, and Josh (probably!

) is not.
All this said, there is hope for the sport. RL is a very exciting sport to watch, relatively simple to grasp (compared to RU) and is immensley popular in Aus.
However, in order for it not to dwindle into a semi-professional game, it needs to quickly identify it's target audience and adopt a meaningful marketing plan.
I am not sure the current administration is capable of this.