Looking at the posts it could be argued that we 'peaked too soon' in the league. Once again you do have to question the team selection.
Finch, who from warm up obviously wasn't fit. but to bring Prescott back for a match like this after 6 game out??? Other posters point to Mossop and Hansen going backwards true, but Prescott other than keeping the medical team in work what else does he offer us? I am afraid that the only consistency he shows is being injured.
Why wasn't one of the 20s picked ? Crosby or Flower ? lets face it they couldn't have performed any worse.Waney says he had to pick Finch why again? couldn't logan been drafted in.
Yes we may have had an inexperienced team but we wouldn't have lacked youthful enthusiasm.
Sorry guys I hope I am wrong but thats it!!!! lets get the shopping list out for next season. 2 big solid forwards, 2 halfbacks who posses a tactical kicking game to get the team moving, experienced centre unless we can persuade George to stay another year!. Oh and another hooker to put pressure on Micky Mac.
A training regime that teaches how and when to pass the ball out of a tackle and how to time a pass , all schoolboy stuff I admit but we seem to have forgot.
Current end of term report reads promised so much but failed to deliver. Could do better .
Thats it! off me chest I think I will go and have a lie down in a dark room...................................................