Quote Rogues Gallery="Rogues Gallery"We had a bbq on Saturday night and watched a replay of game with a mixture of Wigan and Saints fans.
A few interesting observations/ contentious points.
1) The Charnley try was forward, but not a mile forward as the dynamic duo suggested. (we all agreed)
2) LMS when he ran at McIlorum. First point of contact was LMS forearm on McIlorums chest but he then lifted the forearm into McIlorums face (we all agreed, and worth looking at by the review panel)
3) Graham on Lima. This is the type of tackle that Millward talked about in the League weekly a couple of weeks ago, because the shoulder has a tendency to lift into the opponents face and that he wants banning. It is banned in Rugby Union. (split vote from us, mainly in favour of keeping the rule as is)
4) Hoffman on Wheeler. (Consensus was that he was committed to the tackle but maybe could have been more careful, worth looking at by the review panel)
5) Magennis on Finch. For those of you who still have the recording it's just after the Wheeler incident. A Lima type tackle onto the knee area when Finch was already held by two Saints players. This one was cause for a good discussion. Yes he did attack the knee, but Finch managed to offload the ball. This has always been my argument as to why the tackle should be allowed (it may get looked at)
6) McIlorum on Lomax late in the game. McIlorums tackle was late and shook Lomax. It wasn't high but was unnecessary (it may get looked at)
Another couple of poor decisions, Gardners knock on on his own line early in the game which should have been head and feed to Wigan, and Wigans push at the scrum (saints knocked on) should have resulted in head and feed to Wigan.
Consensus was that generally a draw would have been a fair result of a fantastic game which the referee let flow.'"
You have missed one of Brian,
7) Who was that good looking lad that sky filmed walking down the steps holding his son grinning like a Cheshire cat??