Quote DaveO="DaveO"Gives 100% but I think people have a bit of a rosey eyed view of his abilities - because he gives 100%.
He didn't figure much last season after getting injured early on (and didn't do a great deal before that either) and he does get injured quite a bit due to the over committed way he goes into tackles. He is definitely a player who survives on effort over ability and the effort he puts in is IMO why fans tend to like him and perhaps why his faults tend to be overlooked.
Will be interesting to see how he goes at Hull.'"
That sums him up for me. He had 1.5 good games at the start of last season, with more poor/average games when he came back after his injury. He is a journeyman player and I cant see him improving Hull to be honest. However I am sure he will kiss the Hull badge in his first game and be loved for ever after by some