Quote thepriestman85="thepriestman85"
So again you didn't say IL says one thing and then does another?'"
No i didnt. If i did please quote me on that exact wording or zip up!
Quote thepriestman85="thepriestman85" If that wasn’t what your stupid metaphor was all about then please do tell us what you meant.'"
I meant just because IL said one thing to you lot at a meeting does not mean he has to stick to it. Wether or not he does decide on who to sign is anybody guess but because IL once told some fans at a meeting that he does not sign the players does not mean we should all sit here and believe it as 100% truth and nor should we think it is an 100% lie. The fact he tried to sign Sean Long and he didnt have a clue who the coach was going to be says that his statement about him not signing players has a question mark hanging over it!
Have i spelled it out easy enough for you this time?
Quote thepriestman85="thepriestman85"Or is it you just look like a fool twice in two days?
Again are you intentionally this slow? '"