Quote They found themselves with two tries at the end which put it to bed. There was an interception for one try and it was an unfortunate bounce and slip for the second,Quins head coach Brian McDermott, meanwhile, was left deflated by his side's late capitulation.
"They found themselves with two tries at the end which put it to bed. There was an interception for one try and it was an unfortunate bounce and slip for the second," said McDermott.
"There will not be too much I will be saying in review of what the fellas should have done differently.
"It was a greasy game and there was pretty tight defence. There was some solid hits and the game was played in the middle for large parts.
"I don't think we dominated Crusaders and they didn't dominate us. It was that type of game."Quins head coach Brian McDermott, meanwhile, was left deflated by his side's late capitulation."'"
BMcD puts it down to bad luck