Quote evoevo="evoevo"You Sir, are quite clearly a nothing more than a miopic, whinging fool. The last two posts appear to be much more in touch with reality and the way that sports fans behave. I watched the Leeds Rhinos game last Sunday and seem to have heard a lot of chanting of 'Leeds' as per the football chants for the Leeds United team. Now you may not like football and you obviously don't like football fans but I am almost certain that without football fans being tempted to watch Harlequins RL, the Club will not survive........end of !
Thank you, at least I have one supporter.'"
Right then my old mucker...welcome to reality.
Over the last 15 years the club have built up relationships with various media outlets......some have survived, most haven't. What has been done to death is the softly softly, feed the media Monkey approach...and guess what it has got us.....
You post that Talk Sport is the answer......if so, great, but before we all open the champers, smeone had better tell the people that own the station what the question was.
Call me names all you like.......I have a very thick skin to go with my brain, but I know this.....Quins RL, London Broncos, London Crusaders and Fulham have all suffered from the same ailment........and if you think Talk Sport is the answer, then you're off your fu(king nut!
As for Football...I was a ST holder at Celtic for nearly 7 years and travelled from Dublin (through Belfast) for most home games and every Old Firm Game.......I have no issue with SOCCER fans......just the stench that follows them around. As for the game of association football.....no issue either. I applaud the likes of Chelsea for getting brain dead numpties to fork out £90 for a 0-0 draw.....
What I do have an issue with is being called Myopic.....by someone who makes ONE suggestion then gets @rsey when they are told it's already been tried........on a number of occassions. Me Myopic? Do you really think that in 30yrs of having shi7 crowds nobody else has come up with and tried to get this idea of the boards

You cur (sic) are a fool if you think that GETTING THE MEDIA INVOLVED IS A NEW THING.............