Quote Happy Hooker="Happy Hooker"Not getting your excuses in early ? All of your first paragraph say's different.

Seriously though, this is the best possible final with the two best supported teams and the two best performing teams partaking in it. Hope we win obviously, but whatever the outcome I hope it's a good advert for Championship rugby.
Nah.... we win... we lose.... excuses mean nowt!
Guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm over the moom with how our season has panned out given the sheeeite the club has endured this term; and notwithstanding that the result on Sunday whilst not irrelevant, is not what it has been in previous years. A loss won't affect me like it did in 2012 and certainly not 2010. That's just how it is...
I know it's a hypothetical situation but I would guess most leythers, if given a choice would take the league win over a GF win this year if it was a one or the other.