Quote theredshed="theredshed"I'm not usually one for conspiracies but I think MK is correct in saying the RFL have an agenda against Salford this season. It's not that our players have been innocent victims, it's the leniency being shown to other players/clubs for similar indiscretions.
The RFL have a duty to be professional, fair and totally impartial but it's questionable that they could have allowed their actions to be influenced by criticism of how they govern the sport.
I couldn't agree more.
By no means are Salford innocent in all this and are guilty at times of stupid dirty play. e.g. Patterson v Leigh.
However some tackles we are penalised for are just mistimed tackles that other teams escape without even being cited by the RL in most cases.
Take Darrell Griffins tackle on Saturday, I can't argue that it was direct contact with the head. With Salford straight red, with anybody else a talking to or at worst a yellow. If that was a straight red offence then we'd see 10 a side games if the letter of the law is applied to
ALL teams equally.
In the past "Big 4" teams always get the 50 / 50 calls when it comes to the judiciary. This year it appears to be everyone apart from Salford!
Would Hock or Hauraki have get a warning about the use of knees in a tackle rather than a ban? Think not but who does Mr Peacock play for?
We have nearly 50% of the total bans in the 12 teams in Superleague.
Are we that dirty as a team or are we being treated differently? I know what I think