Quote smithy68="smithy68"original city red , i love my team as much as the next red , but for me enough is enough , while the slug is there ,you will not see me or my kids at the willows ,we are all season ticket holders so whose loss is it , certainly not mine , even wilky is beginning to seehow piissss-poor we are on the field ,enough said , thats why i am no longer
keeping the faith'"
To be fair it is your loss, seing as you have paid for season tickets. I can understand you not being happy with how the club is at the minute, but how is you staying away going to help anything? and what is it going to achieve? If you have such a love for the club i dont understand you staying away, the love of the club shoudl make you want to go an support our club through thick and thin no matter what. Whether you stay away or not it wont change the situation, the bottom line is that we simply can't afford to get rid of mcrae financially, we just dont have the money. As much as i don't like mcrae, you can not blame just him for problems at the club. On and off the field i am currently worried for the club as a whole not just on the field, but i dont thinking moaning on here or anywhere else is really going to help. At times like these we all just have to pull together and support the club and take whatever positives you can.
Even if you was to bring in a new coach (if we could afford to get rid of mcrae) things wouldnt guarantee a change, certainly not to club as whole ie. finances, marketing ect. I also dont agree with the with some of the abuse towards Simms, whether you like him or not he puts in alot of work at the club, and is the first there and one of the last to leave every day, just because as a fan you dont see everything he does, you need to understand the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to run a rugby league club day to day.
To be honest as much as times might not be great at the minute, staying away or booing the team/coach isntg oing to achieve anything, bottom line is, lets use all our energy getting behind the team not waste it on shouting abuse to the coach/players, the people who it end up affecting us, is the paying supporter of out club, as booing ect can only give a negative affect.
Well Rant over ... for now