Quote Fax Missionary="Fax Missionary"Are you president of the Flat Earth Society? You certainly seem to be in denial that the RFL can do any wrong.
Point here is nothing to do with comparing resources, it's about successful marketing of the game and engagement of fans and potential sponsors. All things the powers that be in the game have proved to be completely inept at and show no signs of improving. The RFU on the other hand understand the needs of both and develop plans to suit.'"
Are you the President of Basic Incomprehension? Firstly, kindly point out where I have said the RFL can do wrong.
Secondly, kindly explain how, when comparing the performance and effect 2 marketing departments have had, the resources available to and differring scenarios to be dealt with by those departments is irrelevant.
Just how do you think the RFU engages potential sponsors? Why do you think the RFU can attract huge companies like Aviva, O2, RBS, Guinness etc to pour millions into the sport while the RFL has the relatively smaller companies with significantly lower deals of the likes of Engage & Stobart. Do you seriously think its because the RFL are rubbish at engaging sponsors or do you think it might just have something to do with the amount and potential wealth of the average Union spectator compared to a League spectator. Do you think it might have something to do with the much higher media profile Union enjoys compared to League, especially in the areas where these major companies are based or focus their products? Not to mention the influence the public/independent school sector has and continues to play.
As for engaging fans well it's a bit hit & miss. The Grand Final has been a big success for the RFL and the Challenge Cup Final is well attended. The SL crowds keep increasing as do viewing figures. There is a challenge engaging fans with internationals but that's as much a fans issue (only bothered about club) and a GB/England performance issue as it is an RFL marketing issue. Staging England v Australia at the national stadium for £10 a ticket still only drew 40 odd thousand.
The RFL doesn't have the resources either monetary or in terms of a competition and supporter base appealing enough to entice the larger companies to invest in RL in a country where the vast majority of wealth and importance is in the south-east and RL is based around the M62.
When comparing the 2 marketing departments the difference in difficulty of effectively marketing the game is huge. Union have the edge in everything. They have more money, more influence, more friends, a base in the rich south, a public school network, a flourishing international competition, a better and more inclusive amateur network, and much higher media exposure.
It's like comparing the local school sports day to the Olympics and blaming for the school for not doing as well.