This is one for all you chocolate lovers but not a Mars Bar in sight..
Fifty Shades of Chocolate
Mr Cadbury met Miss Rowntree on a Double Decker
It was just After Eight.
They got off at Quality Street .
He asked her name ?
Polo, I'm the one with the hole she said with a Whisper.
I'm Marathon , the one with the nuts, he replied.
He touched her Cream Eggs which was a Kinder Surprise for her,
Then he slipped his hand into her Snickers which made her Ripple.
He fondled her Jelly Babies and she rubbed his Tic Tacs.
Soon they were Heart Throbs.
It was a Fab moment as she screamed in Turkish Delight.
But three days later his Sherbet Dib Dab started to itch ......
turns out Miss Rowntree had been with Bertie Bassett who had Allsorts
I'll get my coat