Quote juliebull="juliebull"How can anyone make even an attempt at a rational dicussion when petty politis are being played out? the new board have to stop messing about and tell us what they are going to do.'"
Not much business, of any kind, is done in the open, Julie. Most of it goes on behind closed doors (or out on the golf course

) and well out of the limelight, so I wouldn't expect to hear very much, one way or the other, until things are actually sorted. Even then I wouldn't expect much detail.
That said I get the very distinct impression that there is some 'seeding' going on on the boards; possibly from both sides but certainly from the new board. There seems to be stream of either new, or very irregular, posters coming on to deride any speculation they're not happy with, and to post 'exclusive' news snippets, on which we, apparently, must "just trust them".
I've supported the club for many years, and in all truth I don't give a tinker's cuss who is sitting in the director's box, but I'm losing faith with all of them right now.