First of all some pics i took last thursday in the fading sun
I like the look of the landscaping. However do wonder if in time (think decades) those trees will obscure the stadium. Note also the framework going on the Turnstile entrance in the south west corner, in readiness for the red cladding
Now onto the pics i took on Saturday
The concrete pavement is being laid around the south eastern corner of the stadium
As Gruntfuttock has already pointed outs, floodlights have now been fitted on the north stand. Cant be long now before we get a floodlight test
With regard to the seating. They have now fitted the seats in the South West corner near the Police control room/pa box. Looks like they have fitted the cheap seats first and are leaving the fitting of the posh premium seats till last.
There is now a huge wall of red behind the North stand. Cant help but think this would have been better if it was white with a big read V.
i also noticed that they have built a small wall between the toilets and the turnstiles. Presumably this is to prevent people queuing for the toilet from blocking the entrance to the stadium.
Also note that despite the road outside the stadium being soaking wet from heavy rain, the inside of the stadium is completely dry, despite it not being fully enclosed.
A nearly completed stadium with little over one month to go before it gets handed over to Saints, looking glorious in the sunshine