Quote Rogues Gallery="Rogues Gallery"Did he give you a good hiding years ago?
Anyone who has been coached by him has his respect, particularly the lads he coaches at U18 and U20/21.
"Straight as an arrow" "honest with all his players" ids how I have personally heard him described.
And I'm sure you wouldn't call him that to his face, grow up.'"

He's much older than me so no he's never given me a 'good hiding' and if you knew me at all you'd realise I wouldn't have a problem calling him an ape to his face.
As for my comment I really really do hope he gets the job because Wigan will go backwards. Having respect is one thing, and is probably fine for an assistant but being the top man is a totally different deal.
Oh and on your advise I read John Monie's book and his comments on Wane were interesting.