Orignally posted this on the relevant team boards but seem a good place to put this.
I have started a new multi platform website for music in Warrington (hence the name)
With the rugby season now over, why not spend the winter months checking out some of the great Warrington Bands and Original Artists on the site.
[WAM is a multi platform project with a non partisan approach covering all genres, in a attempt to revitalise the Warrington Music Scene.

[url=http://www.facebook.com/WArringtonMusic[WAM Facebook Page[/url
[url=http://www.twitter.com/thisisWAM[WAM Twitter[/url
Would appreciate it if you could spread the news about the site! Do you watch live music often?
Have you seen a band from the town/city you're from that you've liked recently?
For obvious reasons, the majority of the bands I'll be featuring are Unsigned, do you watch many unsigned bands? It does seem like every "industry" in the "entertainment business" is suffering from a lack of numbers.