Quote Fully="Fully"Is it me or is there a discrepancy in that article?
Where's Championship One going?
Third tier below SL and Championship?'"
I suspect the Northern Conference League will eventually get spread across the different levels of a revamped RLC.
[url=http://www.rugbyleagueconference.co.uk/article/league-makes-historic-switch.htmlVote for Summer article from RLC site.[/url
Explanation of tier 1,2,3 at bottom of article.
Interetsing take in the article:
"The Clubs vote widely reflected the findings of the recent survey carried out among players, coaches and administrators, which had indicated that almost 70% were in favour of a switch to a summer playing season. [i
This figure had been challenged as not being representative by certain pro-winter campaigners[/i, but the Monday night vote mirrored those findings."
Wonder who that could be???