Quote BiginJapan1970="BiginJapan1970"lets all pray for charlie....
Charlie isn't a bad bloke - he just tries to get his leigh arrogance (which is something all people with a WN postcode are born with by the way ) across in a nicer kind of way....you know in like a teletubbies type of language......
Mrs Caroli and Son and daughter Caroli had all been sat around the dinner table waiting for a wet and cold charlie to come bouncing through the door, red cheeked and donning his leigh centurions onesie with his good friend and travel partner Mr Andrew Gregory, chanting 'Championies..championies o leigh o leigh o leigh'. The family had invited all his friends from the Leigh & District amateur dramatics society round and had put on a feast of italian food and wine, all ready to celebrate in true Caroli style, the first of 22 undefeated league games this season, and they had even had a special cake made for it.
Instead poor old charlie quietly sneaked in the front door and slipped straight upstairs to log on to RLFans and see what load of excuses his fellow leythers could come up with for today. After sifting through the list of excuses including referee, weather, slope, wind, cold chips,mud and more referee comments,charlie made a couple of similar posts himself before turning off his computer. He then reached over to his bedside cabinet and turned over his recently acquired framed photo of Neil Jukes and banged it face down onto the cabinet.
With tears streaming down his cheeks and with a broken heart, charlie removed his red nose and bowler hat, pulled back his Leigh Centurions Duvet cover and got into bed. He laid back for a while shaking his head in disbelief at what he had just witnessed. soon after Mrs Caroli came up to comfort him with a cup of Horlicks, but he asked her to leave him alone.....and bid her goodnight
Charlie then laid and pondered his next RL Fans 'forecast' - what can he say now ? How can he show his face on the forum again ?? and after the tears had dried it came to him like a bolt of lightning - Yes !! 21 wins out of 22 !!!
all of a sudden Mrs Caroli could hear the chants ringing out from downstairs from charlie.....oh leigh o leigh o leigh.....Charlie was back !!'"
Well put Sir

I can just see Charlie trapesing home last night head bowed full of sadness,thinking are we as good as Degsy says we are.