Quote wereutherein1987?="wereutherein1987?"Can't knock Des or anyone who is prepared to put money into RL.
It's just those Sparrow fans who now think they have the god given right to stroll into s/l cos they have had 1 good season!'"
No Barrow fan thinks we have a god given right to SL!!!!...its all in your head. We are no where near SL and I have never said we were or that we should be. If you read my post I said if P&R was still in place. You lot have a real problem with Barrow and I put it down to last season.
You dont know Des and you are repeating rubbish that has previously been posted by other clubs as gospel.Where you there in the changing rooms? where you there at the St's game? (dont say you were or you will go even further down in my estimation), get your facts right. It can not be a personal thing as you have never even spoken to the man therefore its just you jumping on the "We hate Des" bandwagon because you dont have the balls to have your own opinion.
Have a nice day guys...you do your club proud.
A Sparrow Fan...Sorry but the name Sparrow instead of Barrow ...Brilliant

where do you get them from I can't stop laughing.....