Quote wrencat1873="wrencat1873"Lets start with proper equal rights and equal treatment under the law, as it should be for EVERY citizen of the UK.
However, you know this isn't going to happen any time soon.
Our illustrious leader wouldn't know "equal" if it slapped each side of his many faces, at the same time, with equal force, so, how the hell are those at the bottom of the pile, regardless of race, creed or colour, going to receive EQUAL treatment.
Your earlier attempt to gain a rise, regarding you "find me an advert which...…………." was far from successful.
And, while we're at it, the self named "nasty" party, will be back to slashing the benefits of the disabled community, once we start to get through the Coronavirus pandemic.
For me, it's all pretty simple, in that, we should all be treated equally and you know that we're damn well not.
The Tory government charged a 3rd party company with slashing the benefits bill and driven by hefty bonuses, they were happy to leave those on disability payments with nothing.
How anyone can EVER justify voting for the Tories is utterly beyond me.
You may not have had or witnessed these things, I've no idea but, I have so, jog on.
Jog on

deary me.
YOU brought up the gender pay gap, not me. As I said, it's a false equivalence to the issue of race equality and it's been shown many times that when you take EVERYTHING into account, the gender pay gap doesn't - in most cases - exist. You didn't answer the question - should Liz Bonnin be paid the same as David Attenborough? Because that's what you're advocating.
You're right, posting a job advert based on gender would be illegal. But it seems posting an [url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-36443113apprenticeship based on skin colour[/url isn't.
Blacks want 'equality', yes? So tell me, what challenges face a black lad on a council estate that a white lad doesn't face? Where is the institutional or rife societal racism racism that holds him back? I don't deny racism exists, but does racism remove all his opportunities? Is he denied education? Is he unable to apply for jobs? Is he unable to get out of bed and get on a bus and go to work?
If you're saying the majority of the black community come from poorer backgrounds and therefore the challenges are hard - then the same applies to poor whites. The challenges are largely the same. In a community largely living in poverty, drugs, drink, casual criminality and violence are commonplace. Where peer pressure leads to the wrong path. Where it's not 'lit' to be studying hard and working in McDonalds for petty cash or to be working 9-5. Where your only suit is your weddings/funerals/court suit. Where a life of casual criminality is the norm, hence a much higher rate of police interaction and the possibility of a criminal record. Those are the main factors denying someone career opportunities and a good job, not racism.
So let's ignore the fact BLM want to dismantle the state, the police, the family unit, capitalism and 'patricarchy' (everyone else ignores these things), and let's ignore the fact that in reality the idea that blacks are being slaughtered by the police in the UK is preposterous - what can actually change to make things better for poorer black communities? What do they want? It's easy to sing about 'equality' or 'justice' - what does this mean? Tell me, because I genuinely do not know.
You want less harassment from the police? Don't carry knives or stab people. Don't deal or do drugs. Don't engage in casual criminality. You want a good education? Knuckle down and study and ignore that deadhead mate taking the pss. You want a good job? Work your way up and be better than the people around you, and develop yourself. That's how people 'get on' in life.
In the US about 53% of all murders and 54% of all robbery are committed by black men aged 15-40. That's about 3.5% of the population, hence why young black men interact with the police at far higher rates. I don't know what the comparison is here but it seems to me that certain parts of the BLM 'movement' want to live outside the law without any of the consequences. And they want, erm, 'stuff' handed to them. Probably.
Have you taken a knee yet?