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| If Jeremy Corbyn had stuck with his true convictions and campaigned against the E.U, arguing a left wing stance for leaving, perhaps the party would be in pole position to sweep up lost voters.
As it is he pandered to the Blairites and went against his own beliefs and now they want to stab him in the back because they still don't realise the average British worker is anti-E.U and anti free movement of workers.
When did the 'left' decide people having to tout themselves across the continent looking for work was a good thing? In the 80's they fought to keep jobs in local communities and it was Tory's like Norman Tebbit who said 'worker's should get on their bikes and look for work'. Why do Labour and the left in general support Thatcherite philosophy?
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www.newstatesman.com/politics/20 ... y-fear-him
Another. It's hard to believe this article was written almost a year ago during the first leadership campaign. Everything, [ieverything[/i that Owen Jones predicted in his article has either come to fruition or we are witnessing daily now.
Jones is either clairvoyant or a very clever political analyst. It is all so frighteningly contrived. We, the public, are pawns played like the proverbial fiddle. Scary stuff.
www.newstatesman.com/politics/20 ... y-fear-him
Another. It's hard to believe this article was written almost a year ago during the first leadership campaign. Everything, [ieverything[/i that Owen Jones predicted in his article has either come to fruition or we are witnessing daily now.
Jones is either clairvoyant or a very clever political analyst. It is all so frighteningly contrived. We, the public, are pawns played like the proverbial fiddle. Scary stuff.
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| By "refreshing" I assume you mean putting across views that chime with your own? They are both utter tripe as far as I can tell. The establishment might well fear a move towards socialism, but that has not and will not ever happen under Corbyn.
Perhaps the oddest thing for me with respect to so much of the commentary in favour of Corbyn is the sheer hypocrisy of it.
Firstly Corbynistas (I feel able to use that ridiculous term because Corbyn acolytes love to do the same) constantly bemoan him being demonised by the press whilst happily demonising Labour MPs who don't rate him (Blairites, Bliarites, Tory Lites, Neo-Libs, Red Tories etc etc).
The second issue is the irony of ignoring Corbyn's history of defying the party whip yet complaining about disloyalty of others. Somehow when Jeremy defied the party it was a moral stance, and yet when MPs defy him its disloyal? Just staggering hypocrisy.
The worst thing is that when some Labour MPs have reported threats from supposed Labour supporters for their lack of loyalty to the great man (who unlike Corbyn's fans actually have to work with him), its downplayed as just part of the hurly burly of politics, aided by Corbyn's pathetically lukewarm response. Corbyn himself has made (very thinly) veiled threats about deselection for MPs who who show disloyalty to him.
If it wasn't a major threat to democracy this whole thing would be laughable. Sadly the Judean People's Front vs People's Front of Judea is being played out real time by the supposed opposition.
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| Quote vbfg="vbfg"I'm not going to help fund its slow death and accelerating irrelevance either.'"
I'm not even kicking around for the vote.
Not my party any more. I quit on Saturday.
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| For the record, I would have abandoned all principles to support the candidate who, when sending canvassing emails and texts, used the preferred name I supplied instead of my full first and middle names in all caps. It's an experience not unlike being shouted at by my mother.