Quote cod'ead="cod'ead"The site was bombed because the IDF think the Palestinians to be less than animals.'"
Not just the IDF Coddy. The Palestinians are held in contempt by the rest of the Arab world, and are looked upon as a shiftless troublemakers. Fine when it's Israel that they are being a pain to, but a quick check at the last 30 years will show they have been thrown out of every Arab state where the turned up in.
Quote cod'ead="cod'ead"The Israeli military and intelligence organisations are very slick and efficient. They possess weaponry that really is capable of pinpoint, accurate targeting. Unfortunately they seemingly ignore the fact that Palestinian families now have nowhere safe to move to, they've moved, sometimes many times, where do you suggest they go? Gaza is one of the most intensely populated lands on earth. 139 square miles contains almost 2 million people, where the fook do they go, especially when half the area has already been bombed to [is[/ihit?'"
Well, I would suggest the obvious answer would be to head over the border to the adjoining state of Egypt, but unfortunately their borders have been closed for ages against their noisy neighbours. Not much Arab solidarity there. In fact, haven't they just sentenced a thousand of the Yasser Arafat's old buddies, the Muslim Brotherhood to death?
Quote cod'ead="cod'ead"Israel is a modern, sophisticated democracy, governed by seemingly intelligent people, with sophisticated weaponry available to them. Palestine is also a democracy, although the West now wishes it were not, governed by a bunch of radical nutjobs, armed with the modern equivalent of a blunderbus and a slingshot.'"
But these radical nutjobs were freely elected by the good folk of Gaza, who one presumes, were aware of what they were voting for. And now, the self same inhabitants are suffering the consequences of their brief flirtation with democracy. You might also ponder on the fact that whilst they have been bitching about the lack of food/medical supplies/the good things in life, they managed to acquire enough cement to line and brace the interior of all those tunnels........and all under the eyes of the several thousands of UN employees in Gaza. Remind us again Coddy, just what are the purposes of all those tunnels drilled into Israel?
Quote cod'ead="cod'ead"Without wishing to invoke Godwin, I still find it incredible that the Zionists have so quickly forgotten their past, not just the various diasporas and pogroms but also the founder of their own state.'"
I would suggest that it is their past history which drives their very simple maxim of 'never again'
Quote cod'ead="cod'ead"Remind me, what happened when David met Goliath?'"

You might want to pick another example.....
But, one thing we can agree on, civilian casualties should never be dismissed as unavoidable collateral.