Late on Wednesday night one of our cats (my favourite) Petzl, came back in through the top window and it was obvious he was in distress. He was limping around but went straight to his food & water, then into a corner. Took him to the vet on Thursday and after £180 for x-rays, we were told he'd been hit by a car and had fractured his right femur. We were then offered three options:
1) Euthenase - £45
2) Amputate - £250
3) Operate to reset and pin - £650
Even though a vet once told me that all dogs and cats were born with three legs plus one spare, I firmly believe all animals should have a leg at each corner. So it was option 3. The vet phoned yesterday asking us to collect him beause he refused to settle after his op, he wasn't eating and was constantly yowling - obviously unsettled.
He's now home and although he's not happy at his restricted movement and the other cats seem to be taking the pi[is[/is, he's settled really well. He spends most of the time in a large dog crate because if he was loose, the little bugger would be out again (remember, he jumped in through a 6' high window with a broken thigh). He's eating, drinking, pi[is[/ising and shi[it[/iting as normal and he's loving any attention. He is a real purring machine again. He was reluctant to put any weight on his right leg and initially walked around on three legs with his right held high above his back. He is now more confident and is putting weight on the injured leg, albeit very gingerly.
We've got at least six more weeks of this to look forward to but hopefully everything will be fine. His right leg is pinned with a lot of external ironwork that will need removing in 6 weeks. I'm just so bloody glad to have him back with me.
Oh, while Petzl was under the anaesthetic, we also took the opportunity to have his goolies removed. No wonder he was yowling at the vet
In his Safe Room
His ironwork