Why is it that the players play well for 60 minutes and then they go to sleep?
GT: Every game has its own momentum and is different. There is no particular pattern for every game. Looking back I don’t see that and I don’t agree but was disappointed with performance at some games. Stats don’t tell us this as well.
Whoever asked this question must have questioned their sanity ....
"Did I really attend those games?"
"Did I really notice this effect?"
"Have I just asked a question that I dreamed up?"
I would imagine the person who asked the question must have thought, "well what do the stats show then about our second half performances?"
"Martians were shining funky lasers in our eyes?
Gary Thornton wasn't aware there was a series of disastrous second halves, cos it just didn't happen?
The stats say so?
Well sack the stat man then and the person who can't analyse stats properly Gary and then get real!

Or was it you?
This is why I stopped attending meetings like this.
As a coach, or any manager for that matter, it is your job to be AWARE of trends.
A sensible response IMHO would have been ..." Yes we noticed that and we worked hard and will be working hard to address it."
"This is one of the reasons for getting Rhys Lovegrove onboard to work on fitness."
But no ........