Dave K.: I don't mid Eseh and glad it is for the year, gives us the chance to have a look at him and could be long term signing and replacement for Sao.
Would have been even better if we had got him and used the quota spot on another position.
Still concerns me that we will now have 6 props for the Leigh game and one backrower.
Feel like Knight isn't needed, but him signing might be more to do with the quality available rather than position.
Worries me the coaching staff keep playing Fash in the backrow.
Think the fundamental issue though Dave is the lack of available quality out there to bring in regards to the 2nd row options.
Seems the clubs plans on recruitment are based on the long term, so it could also be that they already have irons in the fire so to speak that cover the back row from 2026 onwards, which may make any interim signings more difficult unless they were loans.
Just highlights how poor our retention and recruitment has been over the last 5 years or so since the likes of Gaz, Mini & Sika retired, other than Manu Mau have we gone out and signed any real quality 2nd rowers since then? Being honest we took a punt on Savelio with his injury record and Jones the least said the better, we moved Griff to 2nd row and he out performed our 'seasoned' 2nd rowers before Smith pretty much dumped him.