He insists that he never wanted to leave. He also states that he never left for money. Reading the book I would dispute both statements.
He went for the money pure and simple. He knew exactly what he was doing. He had 18 months of a 36 month unsigned contract to run. He was on £75k a year with us.
He claims that he would have earned £200k tax free from a testimonial year. On what basis he makes this claim is not apparent.
But if he had got all that then he would have had a further £310k in his pocket.
He went to Rovers for £110k per year for 42 months. He also got £80k in his pocket for signing for them. Hudgell also said he would pay his legal fees. Now do the maths. I would also like to know what he needed legal fees paying for. If the move was all above board then legal expenses wouldn't be required.
Now you can all make up your mind on that. But as per his book these are the facts. Naturally we haven't got Hull FC's side of the matter and I doubt we ever will. I know which way I am swaying on this matter.
Also in the book he tells about how the build up to the 2006 Grand Final was a farce. The reason being money. I believe this was not fully supported by the squad and certainly not by the coaching staff. Again make up your own mind. It was our biggest game of the season and possibly the biggest game in many players careers. What was he most concerned with?
Cooke wasted his talent. Much the same as my heroes from the 80s he was more interested in beer. Cut that out and he would potentially have made it internationally. He certainly wouldn't have had the brushes with the law. He possibly wouldn't have treated women so badly.
The club stood by him through all that cra9. The club gave him his chance. Yes the whole testimonial thing was possibly handled badly. Certainly his opinion of Heatherington is probably exactly the same as many of us. But his attempts to paint himself as some kind of victim in it all do not wash with me.
I will forever remember his try in Cardiff.
I will forever remember is part in the semi against Saints.
I will forever remember his role in 2006. But I won't forgive him his part in 2007 fiasco.
The club failed to replace him that's a fact. I will also add there a several players I'd claim were the biggest influences for us in the SL era. Smith, Swain, Horne and half of this years squad, before him.
But he was totally at fault for how 2007 ended. Big man faced his team mates and his bosses to say good bye. But he let them all down imho (but it wasn't for money

As for other parts of the book. He reads a game brilliantly (or so he says). His analysis of plays is worth reading (Is it in retrospect or did he actually know all that while playing) . He will be a good coach. Would I have him in any leading role at Hull FC? I don't know. Certainly not head coach as things stand.
I wish him well. I am glad he has stopped drinking heavily and beating women. The world is a better place for that. But I don't buy his story.