Quote cadoo="cadoo"The highlights of the game for those (like me) who have missed the match are on a famous video sharing site.
How good is Jarryd Hayne!? We think Sean Ainscough has potential
I remember thinking at the world cup that he was a very talented kid. Scored a blinding try against France and put a great shot on Darren Lockyer
Exactly.......Ainny is a talent in his own right but hes nowhere near someone like that.
Hayne, Inglis, Falou are all players in their late teens early 20s who are WC players and play as though they are seasoned pros, and as good as a 27-28 year old star....Ainny onthe other hand has bags of talent yet still plays like a youngster....Thats the problem in this country with the coaching and training regemes......add to that we label a player like colbon last year and gouding this a YOUNGSTER

If theyre really class they should be in the international set up by the age of 18 like farrell and edwards were not wrapped up in cotton wool.
Said the same of ainny all year....Stick him in now and by the age of 21 you have a class player....do a noble and numerous other coaches and come with the hes a youngster so we're giving him the odd game tactic and by the time hes 21 were still going on about a youngster with talent when he isnt one...He'd be 3 years of an international career behind players like hayne and inglis

is it any wonder we get tonked by the aussies
Todays game made SL look like union....a different slower more boring game.....the difference is that vast there is two styles of rugby being played, and a player in aus will develop and learn as much in 6 months of NRL as much as a player would in 2 years of playing SL.
If we're serious about having a competative england we need to send players like ainny, tomkins, myler, eastmond over there from the age of 18-20, to realise the potential rather than stagnating playing the odd super league game and poor reserve level footbal!! The problem is we do that and we'll probably never see them back, as the'll be signed up for the rest of their careers....Its a double edged sword but at least it could result in GB being competative in the long run!
The talent gap in Aussie Rugby and GB Rugby is more than its ever been....its not even laughable