Quote Starbug="Starbug"Just to remind people of some of the hypocrisy of happily paying a fortune to go on a weekend pish up in france that doesn't benifit our club at all when they are moaning about the price and quality of a beer or a hot dog back home
These same people will be grumbling about us not spending money we dont have to bring in some experience or how other clubs seem able to outbid us for players
We have had one fan post on here a thread about how he has spent almost a grand so far this year supporting his club but he seems to forget that of that grand the club has probably only recieved £ 140/200 in revenue
We are where we are , we have an almost impossible hill to climb , we will not even start to climb it until we start to think differently , until we accept what and where we are and the almost blind faith we will have to show to make even the 1 st step'"
It was me with the thousand pounds qoute and i dont want a medal i spend it because am a leigh fan and always will be...However you are right we have to be realistic and until a) a rich benefactor arrives ...dreaming or b) we get a pro active go get em commercial manager/dept we are sliding further behind ....further and further behind
Rugby isnt about the 70`s and 80`s of part timers run by part timers sky have seen to that so we either try (again hard without cash i know) to go with it or we say this is us this is our level get used to it and get behind us ..no more impossible dreams..