Quote the18thman="the18thman"Oh so our beating of Saints was boring? and the beating of you last week was too?'"

I can't comment on the Wire game last week. The saints game was passable.
However, in my subjective opinion, and many appear to agree, it is frustrating watching Wigan play the game. It is not defence that is at the root of it; it is the lying on in the tackle, the several men in the tackle and the twisting of players into ever position conceivable with the sole purpose of slowing the game down.
I would never suggest that a Wigan players aim in doing these things is to injure a player or any other malicious intent. I do believe though that Fadge has placed into their minds a mentality of doing anything to win and that starts with slowing the PTB down. E.G Although I am sure all the Wigan players were 'shocked' when Sol was attacked last week, it gave the Wigan defence a much needed rest and time to reset while Wire were battering several shades out of said defence.
This frustration was intensified last night when you can watch two teams play expansive rugby and not resort to underhand tactics.
My only hope is that Wane (or is thatThing from Fantastic 4) couldn't arrange a up in brewery and this tackling technique (banned in the NRL) follows Fadge back over there.