Great time, enjoyed all the banter and soaking up the atmosphere, met a few more people from on here...Wire Forever, Latchford Wire, Danny boy and prob a few others...but due to killing a few brain cells can't remember, I'm sure it will come back to me..
Great support over there for the Wire, shame about the score...
Weather very hot, beer very cold and bloomin expensive.
Sitting on the plane with Rob Parker had a great chat with him, what a nice guy. I even mentioned ILDA to him....
Couple of embarassing moments...
At the end of the game, a guy climbed the fence and ran over to the team shouting abuse at Moz and the guys, before the stewards escorted him off.
And a woman ranting at Wes and Mick Monaghan at the airport this morning, in fairness the guys already looked dejected and I'm sure they didn't need us shouting personal abuse at them..