After calming down a bit

and a bit of thought, I'll comment a bit further.
Unbelievable how different the performance was tonight.
Defensively we were right in Saints' faces from the beginning of the game and we cut out the stupid errors from previous weeks.
Ratchford deservedly won man of the match and had a hand in all of the tries. Listening to the radio on the way back from the game they said there was an element of luck to his second try but it looked pretty obvious that he was aiming for the post when he kicked the ball.
Thought Cashmere was a close second for best player tonight. Consistently made metres, just hope that he hasn't picked up an injury that will keep him out after he went down about 10 minutes before the end.
Good to see Walton get another chance and I thought he put in another nice performance for the second week in a row and McGilvray showed enough to convince me that he should be given more opportunities on the field at the back end of the season - nice bit of pace.
Wilshere looked confident again.
Littler actually had a good game.
Stupidity from Smith got him binned but he had a decent game. Saw him pumping his fists in celebration on the sideline when we kept them from scoring a try at one point - nice to see some passion from him.