Quote Durham Giant="Durham Giant"If you can disprove my propositions or statements it is up to you to do it. '"

No it isn't. It's up to the person making the assertion to back it up, you really are making yourself look ridiculous.
Quote Durham Giant="Durham Giant"If The WC had a main sponsor and you tell me who it is then i am wrong. '"
Please actually answer the question asked. You brought up the no main sponsor as an issue, you have failed to say why it is an issue. Please say so.
Quote Durham Giant="Durham Giant"If The BBC had the best games as opposed to those on Premier sports then i am wrong. '"
Please actually answer the question asked. You brought up viewing figures as an issue. Yet you don't know what they actually are, or again why they are an issue.
Quote Durham Giant="Durham Giant" I think you are mixing up your threads it was the One wher i was arguing with the Leeds fans rather than Bradford fans which i locked which i said at the time was a mistake as i was bored with it and it was going nowhere ( it was then reopened). '"
I'm not mixing threads up. You were criticising Bradford for their new sponsor being, amongst other things, a payday lender. Whilst, hypocritically not criticising your own club for having gambling establishments as sponsors. You were being embarrassed and so locked the thread. You can't wriggle out of that one.
Quote Durham Giant="Durham Giant"If you want to sprove my views on McBanana have been inconsistent then YOU look for the evidence. '"
No. You provide the evidence, you made the assertion, that's how it works. It should be simple for you to provide a quote or 2 where you make the exact same points when McNamara was appointed as you did just now. Otherwise you'll be thought either an exaggerating fool or a liar. That's what happens when you don't back up your points with any evidence.
Quote Durham Giant="Durham Giant"You are a right lazy get. I produce facts and give my view now you do some work and disprove it if you can. ( hint you can go through all my posts and you want be able too ).'"
I thought you didn't go in for petty insults? Oh no of course you do.
You haven't given any facts except that there is no main sponsor for the World Cup. And have failed to say why that is an issue and why it makes the World Cup a disaster.
Will you actually provide any evidence for the World Cup being a disaster? Because there's plenty of evidence to the contrary.
Or will you, more likely, wriggle and swerve and not answer questions and make up more unsubstantiated rubbish?
Why not get bored and lock the thread? You know you want to.