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| :i think there is a bunch of rah rahs in joburg who are being paid by the rugby union to keep rl out, if not these guys who ave become custodians of league out there could not be doing a better job for the union guys. man they are pathetic, i was reading when the rhinos came to tour last year that one of their players was 49 years old, not bad for a country where the average age expectancy is 46, i think all genuine leaguies should demand an enquiry into just what the hell is going on out there in the transvaal. what a farce no wonder league is battling to expand, if it can not organise the game to be shown out in south africa on tv or to get any media coverage, the last league story to hit the press out there was one about some guy in the nrl sticking his finger up another players rectum, about 2001 and the only story on league i have seen on tv out there is about a gay oz forward i think his name was roberts or robins something like that, about the same time, so come on if we want south africa in lets get rid of these clowns out there and let the cape town boys take control then we will see things happen and blimey what a catch it will be, imagine touring a pradise, getting a decent game of league, not having to constantly tell the opposition no line outs or mauls, and not thinking the KKK really does exist
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| Rugby Union in South Africa goes out of its way to stop any development dead.
They close playing fields.
They threaten players if they even try Rugby League.
It just will not work there. Outside of say the NRL going over and spending money hand over fist, playing regular games over there (And by that I mean at least 4 games a year!) and putting all the development money they have into that country, it wont work.
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| not quite sure where you got that info from freak, but league is and allways has been welcome in the cape. our last fixture in 2004 against barla conference side shaw cross sharks, had several premier 1 league teams including hamiltons , wp police, and goodwood, begging us to play at their grounds. our big problem is the south african rugby league in joburg, they are the ones stopping the cape playing through their petty jealousy we dont need australian clubs or british clubs we need tv exposure otherwise you just get top star players from nrl or superleague in the flesh walking about town as unrecognised nobodys, if they were regularly seen on the box that is a different story then people would wow. so that is the first issue in my mind get the game on sa tv. secondly league needs a strong man to monitor what is happening in south africa not just a tas bateira who gets hidden in a joburg hotel for two nights and read bedtime stories, without even checking if these imaginary teams they boast of really do exist no it needs a trouble shooter in who wont take any crap, and thirdly that rhinos team need to be made play against that cape town team there is traditional rivalry anyway and the games will be fierce the fixture must happen call it what you want but it can only result in better quality players in sa forget touring nrl sides we want to play them for real. maybe the odd exhibition game and the world club challenge make sense
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| why not a few sa teams in the nrl playing in it like super 14 
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| why not changa whynot?
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| nrl could bring in 2 SA teams and a perth , nz wellington team aswell . change the name to IRL international rugby league. or SRL southern rugby league 