Quote Bull Mania="Bull Mania"Ricoulous post..............
i think the above is OTT. Personal attacks on other posters who have been good enough to share details from meetings is out of order..............'"
"Personal attacks on other posters....." WTF are you on about?
Which poster have I supposedly personally attacked?
If you are suggesting that Mr Chalmers is a poster - then yes I was having a go at him - but what's his poster name so I can make sure I know which one to aim it at.
If you are suggesting I was having a go at Fr1day then read it again.
I didnt have a problem with Fr1day & FA meeting with Chalmers - I thought they had done well getting to speak to the guy.
So which bit is "OTT"? - me complaining that Cha-Lo are suddenly throwing money at buying players when relegation is just around the corner - yes, lets no over-react, they might change their mind about buying players and then the Bulls will end up being relegated! WTF?
I dont believe in the Emperors new clothes - if you want to - thats fine - mass hypnosis is obviously rife.
But dont you "personally attack" this poster just cos you dont agree with what I say - if you dont like it - dont f@cking read it