Quote Teddy Melling="Teddy Melling":NAUGHTY: Now listen here- and point those big ears in this direction. You’ll note my lack of activity on here, and that I rarely post on this- or any other forum for that matter. The reason being, I can’t be d having my patience tested and wasting valuable time replying to idiots like you. Forum s are normally restricted to the soccer variety, though unfortunately, an occasional plonker infiltrates the higher intelligence usually found on rugby forum. You have shown yourself to be one of those rude, billy big-time keyboard warriors, who just love to display their balls on places like this.
I used the comment "what a stupid remark" about a stupid remark you made, and you have a tantrum, like some forum version of Violet Elizabeth Bott. Using the adjective "stupid" - aimed
at your remark, not at you personally - makes me an "idiot". A "forum dicckhead". "Plonker". A "billy bigtime keyboard warrior". I'm "displaying my balls".
Quote Teddy Melling="Teddy Melling" In my opinion the Bulls dynasty and eventual fall of empire began on September 21st 2007, ...I don’t recall it being cold, wet or windy, I assume it was a pleasant evening. This play-off game attracted just 9,055, and your suggestion that any similar game v Wigan would attract a much larger crowd is laughable.'"
Wrong again. I said that it "could", not "would". Which of course it could.
Let me remind you what you said, as you've either forgotten, or lost it in the red mist. You wrote:
Quote Teddy MellingThe fixture has lost almost half its support (42.7%) in nine years'"
That is, from 2004 to 2013. Yet in your pant-wetting indignance, you yourself point out that our attendance on Sunday was actually BETTER than 2007 (which fixture you say was BEFORE the Bulls downfall in your eyes began!! How's that, then?
If I use your figure, then I could equally stupidly say the fixture "has gained almost 10% support in 5 years".
In fact, the fixture also attracted crowds of
Round 21 - 19/7/2009 att. 9,487
Round 2 - 5/3/2010 att. 9,294
In this context, Sunday's gate was actually UP, wasn't it?
In any case, we happened to play Wigan TWICE at home in your "benchmark year" of 2004 and the second gate on 13/8/2004 was "only" 12,610 so your starting point is just arbitrary nonsense. You could have said that the fixture lost almost 28% of its support in six months. But you obviously overlooked the second fixture.
Quote Teddy Melling="Teddy Melling"In fact, as a RL fan, you should know that all end-of-season play-off games attract pathetic attendances- except for the final- OR HADN’T YOU NOTICED?
You clearly don't come on here much at all, as if you did, you'd know I'm a sad statto that keeps records of these things. Oops! Lesson: Don't jump to conclusions as you can be left with egg on your face. But of course I didn't need to refer to the records to get that your remark was stupid, as no doubt you now privately would concede.
Quote Teddy Melling="Teddy Melling"The attendance on Sunday was the lowest for a Bulls game v Wigan in the Super League era- from 1996/7 to 2007. '"
2007?? But what has THAT got to do with anything? Why have you now changed to a 2007 cut-off? The Super League era did not end in 2007. If you check your calendar, you will see that we're in 2013, Super League is still running, and we had seasons in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and even 2012, as well as now 2013.
Quote Teddy Melling="Teddy Melling"And finally, prior to goin’ bust the first time round in 1963, I walked down to Odsal and through the turnstiles- at the age of seven- on my own. So have some effin’ respect for someone who’s watched more games than most have had hot dinners, and seen big crowds at Odsal, most on here could only dream of.
I have not shown you ANY disrespect, in sharp contrast to your frankly puerile name-calling. I said your REMARK was stupid, not you; which it clearly was, and now you have made a bigger fool of yourself, as well as doubtless earning a yellow card for your needless personal abuse. Well done.